Annotatio anagraphica lectoris [Grec].

Manuscrits portant ce texte (3)

Ann Arbor. University of Michigan, Library, Mich. Ms. 15

  • Note : - Das Folio enthält noch weitere Kritzeleien. - Auf f. 130r befindet sich neben weiteren Kritzeleien und einer Schreibübung ebenfalls am unteren Rand die gleiche Annotation. (Source : Pinakes)
  • Note : - (Source : Pinakes)

Saint-Pétersbourg. Bibliothèque nationale de Russie, Ф. № 906 (Gr.), 219

  • Note : - Notizia sulla morte dell'abate Platone del monastero di Sakkudion (4.4.814), di suo nipote Teodoro Studita (759-11. 11. 826) e del di lui fratello Joseph, arcivescovo di Tessalonica (762 bis 15. 7. 832). - Treu 1966, p. 85: "von der Hand des Schreibers, der demnach zum Studios-Kloster gehort und mit dem spateren Abt Nikolaos (ab 848, gest. 4. 2. 868) identisch ist". (Source : Pinakes)

Vienne. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Cod. Suppl. gr. 52

  • Note : - Annotatio Erasmi Roterdami. - Transcriptio, cf. M. Wallraff, Paratexte der Bibel: Was Erasmus edierte außer dem Neuen Testament, in Basel 1516: Erasmus’ Edition of the New Testament, ed. Martin Wallraff , Silvana Seidel Menchi, Kaspar von Greyerz, 2016, p. 154, n. 29. (Source : Pinakes)
  • Note : - Annotatio Erasmi Roterdami. - Transcriptio, cf. M. Wallraff, Paratexte der Bibel: Was Erasmus edierte außer dem Neuen Testament, in Basel 1516: Erasmus’ Edition of the New Testament, ed. Martin Wallraff , Silvana Seidel Menchi, Kaspar von Greyerz, 2016, p. 154, n. 29. - Paene legitur apud VMR. (Source : Pinakes)

Présent dans

Partie du manuscrit

Mont Athos. Monastère de Lavra, MS Α 57, 001-274

  • Note : - Annotatio lectoris quis annorum differentiam cum annotationem praecedentem computauit. - Cf. UC 1.G. (Source : Pinakes)
  • Note : - (Source : Pinakes)

Paris. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Smith-Lesouëf 5, contreplat + 1+ 2 f.

  • Note : - the manuscript description has been written in Gregory's own hand; it is dated 8 March 1885 and sums up his work with the manuscript around that time; - the description consists of two parts; the first part gives a summary of the manuscript's metadata in a formalized and highly abbreviated Latin that was later used in his manuscript catalogue; the second part consists of a discussion of additional features of the script and the decoration as well as of some textual peculiarities; it is written in French; - unfortunately Gregory's page count and table of content for the manuscript differ slightly from what I was able to count and verify; - since the manuscript contains neither foliation nor pagination, Gregory's numbers and mine are not in sync. (Source : Pinakes)
  • Note : VMR (Source : Pinakes)

Paris. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Grec 379, 007-293

  • Note : Si legge il nome Θεοδουλος (Source : Pinakes)
  • Note : - (Source : Pinakes)

Oxford. Christ Church, Library, MS 29, 008-162

  • Note : There is more text underneath the annotation but this is poorly visible in the reproduction. (Source : Pinakes)

Source des données

  • Pinakes